Roundup Giving Gala
March 8th, 2025
Saturday @ 5PM
Diamond Spurs Sponsor
Your donation will be recognized with…
- Business highlight on video at the GALA
- Front cover of GALA program as presenting sponsor plus inside full page ad
- Get recognition shout-out on all social media outlets as a Diamond Spurs sponsor
- Listing on the CASA sponsor webpage for the entire year
- Table for 10
- Two bottles of wine on your table
Platinum Spurs Sponsor
Your donation will be recognized with…
- Business highlight on video at the GALA
- Inside front or back cover advertisement in the GALA program
- Get recognition shout-out on all social media outlets as a Platinum Spurs sponsor
- Listing on the CASA sponsor webpage for the entire year
- Table for 8
- A bottle of wine on your table
Golden Spurs Sponsor
Your donation will be recognized with…
- Business highlight on promo video at the GALA
- Full-page advertisement in the GALA program
- Get recognition shout-out on all social media outlets as a Golden Spurs sponsor
- Listing on the CASA sponsor webpage for the entire year
- Table for 8
Silver Spurs Sponsor
Your donation will be recognized with…
- Business highlight on promo video at the GALA
- 1/2 page advertisement in the GALA program
- Get recognition shout-out on all social media outlets as a Silver Spurs sponsor
- Listing on the CASA sponsor webpage for the entire year
- 4 tickets to the event
Copper Spurs Sponsor
Your donation will be recognized with…
- 1/4 page advertisement in the GALA program
- Get recognition shout-out on all social media outlets as a Copper Spurs sponsor
- Listing on the CASA sponsor webpage for the entire year
- 2 tickets to the event
Other Sponsor Opportunities
Bar, Team, or Music Sponsors $5,000 (Includes Golden Spur Status)
Wine or Cigar Bar Sponsor $2,500 (Includes Silver Spur Status)
Cowgirl Boots Sponsor $1,000 (Includes 1/8 page ad in GALA program)
Cowboy Boots Sponsor $750
Wrangler Boots Sponsor $500
Kiddie Boots Sponsor $250
Each of these levels will receive a mention on the program, on our website and on social media.
All logos should be emailed as jpg. or png. Payment can be made online or by mail.
Enotah Casa Inc.
PO Box 2198
Dahlonega, GA 30533