Christmas Historic Home Tour
Friday, December 13 (SOLD OUT) Sunday, December 15, 2024 (SOLD OUT) Friday, December 20, (SOLD OUT)
Enjoy a unique opportunity to explore one of Dahlonega’s historic homes. Built in 1881, restored in 2016 and addition added in 2022.
$25 per person
74 North Grove Street
Dahlonega, GA
About Enotah CASA
Walk into any juvenile courtroom in the ENOTAH circuit you will see one or more of our CASA volunteers and an advocate supervisor. They interact with the attorneys, parents, case managers and other court agents, ensuring everyone involved has the most current information regarding the child, their needs, and progress. CASA volunteers bring the people in the courtroom and those, who are part of the child’s life, together as a team, working together for the child’s best interest. OUR MISSION is to provide trained, screened, and supervised volunteers to advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children requiring court intervention.
- The tour will take about 45 minutes to an hour and will include the history of the home and
its many inhabitants. - Light refreshments will be served about half way through the tour.
- Guests will wear booties while touring this private home and will be asked to return the
booties upon departing. - Parent or legal guardian must accompany children under 18
- The home has an elevator for those who prefer to not take the stairs.
- Free parking at the home is reserved for those with limited mobility. Others will need to park in available city parking.
- No refunds… all proceeds to benefit Enotah CASA
All proceeds benefit Enotah CASA.
NOTE: Tour times are limited to 12 guests each.