Valentine’s Dinner and Pie Contest

Pie Baking Contest Entry

Deadline to submit the entry form is Thursday, February 13 at 4:00 pm.


  1. Contest is open to bakers of all ages. Pies must be home made from scratch.
  2. Contestants may enter up to three dessert pies.
  3. Each dessert pie entered must have an entry form and the $15 fee paid.
  4. Pies must be dropped off on Friday, February 14, 2024 between 5:00 and 5:45 pm to a CASA volunteer at the UNDERGROUND restaurant.
  5. With each pie submit an index card listing all ingredients used. (no name, we’ll mark the entry #)
  6. Judging will start at 6:30 pm.
  7. No Late entries will be accepted.
  8. You need not be present to win. Only UNDERGROUND ticketed persons will be admitted to the event at 6 pm.


  1. There will be one Winner and one Runner-up, announced at the end of the contest at 7:00 pm.  Winners receive Prize Ribbons and bragging rights!
  2. After the contest, pies will be sliced and tasting made available to spectators. All samples are taken at the person’s own risk.

Judging Criteria For a possible score of 100:

  1. Flavor – 30 Points
  2. Filling – 25 Points
  3. Crust – 25 Points
  4. Overall Appearance – 10 Points
  5. Creativity – 10 Points

Pie Entry Form

Contestants may enter up to three dessert pies. Each dessert pie entered must have an entry a $15 fee paid.

This form is currently closed for submissions.