Valentine’s Dinner and Pie Contest

Pie Baking Contest Entry
Deadline to submit the entry form is Thursday, February 13 at 4:00 pm.
- Contest is open to bakers of all ages. Pies must be home made from scratch.
- Contestants may enter up to three dessert pies.
- Each dessert pie entered must have an entry form and the $15 fee paid.
- Pies must be dropped off on Friday, February 14, 2024 between 5:00 and 5:45 pm to a CASA volunteer at the UNDERGROUND restaurant.
- With each pie submit an index card listing all ingredients used. (no name, we’ll mark the entry #)
- Judging will start at 6:30 pm.
- No Late entries will be accepted.
- You need not be present to win. Only UNDERGROUND ticketed persons will be admitted to the event at 6 pm.
- There will be one Winner and one Runner-up, announced at the end of the contest at 7:00 pm. Winners receive Prize Ribbons and bragging rights!
- After the contest, pies will be sliced and tasting made available to spectators. All samples are taken at the person’s own risk.
Judging Criteria For a possible score of 100:
- Flavor – 30 Points
- Filling – 25 Points
- Crust – 25 Points
- Overall Appearance – 10 Points
- Creativity – 10 Points
Pie Entry Form
Contestants may enter up to three dessert pies. Each dessert pie entered must have an entry a $15 fee paid.
This form is currently closed for submissions.